Crash Chronicles - Charles

Charles was running out of space for his plumbing and concrete supply business.

December 3, 2020

Crash Chronicles - Charles
Customer stories

Charles' plumbing and concrete business is booming. Literally booming out of his warehouse. He had run out of space to be able to efficiently operate his location. Charles has been a client with Idea Financial for over a year and a half, and he says renewing his line of credit was the best decision he made. ​

It can be a scary choice, but he went for it and he luckily found a warehouse right next to his current location to expand his business. Now he has a clear division and the desired quantity of  cement, cast iron, and copper. ​

With more space and more inventory, Charles can take on more contracts and hire more employees. It was one small step after another that created the momentum for his business to grow. This sprouted the opportunity he was looking for, and Idea Financial was able to provide funding at the perfect time.

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Whether your next business opportunity is next door or miles away, Idea Financial is ready to help you! ​

Looking for line of credit? Apply here: Idea Financial Line of Credit

Applying is risk-free and won't affect your credit score. Idea Financial is a registered trademark of Idea 247 Inc. All draws are subject to Idea Financial’s final approval. All Idea Financial Loans are issued by Idea Financial. To process your draw request, we need a secure connection to your bank. Login to your Idea Financial portal and link your bank. All products are subject to Idea Financial’s final approval. You may qualify for a credit limit of up to $250,000. Your actual credit limit may vary. Terms and conditions will be provided to applicants during the application process.
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