5 Natural and Quick Ways to Stay Awake at Work

September 29, 2023

5 Natural and Quick Ways to Stay Awake at Work

The best way to avoid feeling sleepy at work is to get your usual 8 hours of sleep. That’s it. But seriously, if we all got our full 8hours of quality rest, would there be a need for this article? At times, life throws us curveballs resulting in restless nights, or innocently staying up late binge-watching a captivating series and letting time slip away from us. Instead of relying on sugar-filled energy drinks, let’s explore natural methods to stay alert.

Get Up and Move Around

Sitting for too long in a sedentary position can cause the body to become drowsy. Movement awakens the body. It’s simple – walking pumps oxygen through your veins, brain, and muscles. Consuming a candy bar, for instance, may give you energy for just one hour and subsequently result in a crash that leaves you feeling even more fatigued. A ten-minute walk, in contrast, can increase for two more hours and invigorate you more without a tiresome crash.

Activity breaks can involve going for a walk, standing while working, enjoying lunch elsewhere, or simply pacing around the office to increase your step count.

Caffeine Shot

Careful! This doesn’t mean sugar-filled energy drinks or drinking so much coffee that you're in dangerous caffeine levels. Going overboard leads to overstimulation in the nervous system and causes a greater crash in energy levels, making you counterproductive in your efforts to be productive.

Start your day with a modest cup of coffee for caffeine intake. Consuming coffee too late in the workday can also impact sleep quality after work and perpetuate a cycle of feeling sleepy.

Light Lunch

Be satisfied, not stuffed with your meal

Opt for lighter options such as chicken, berries, and vegetables. Heavy carbs like pasta and white bread can make you feel sleepy instead.  Alternatively, a healthy snack can also give a booty in energy. Think carrots and cheese, nuts and fruit, yogurt, and granola, etc.

Include lots of water as well. Unlike the caffeine shot, you can drink water throughout the day. Plus, it’s healthier! Dehydration, which too much caffeine can cause, can also cause tiredness. Water gives an energy boost as well.

Bright Workplace

A dark office will feel like bedtime to your body. If you have windows, open them up to allow bright sunlight to enter as exposure to natural lighting can raise alertness levels and reduce sleep. This also correlates to the previous point of moving around. Taking a quick break in the sunlight outside will do wonders for your energy levels.

But brightness isn’t just limited to physical light; it can also refer to the mood of your workplace. Put on some lively rock or pop music and sing along – it’ll help you get going.

For an extra boost, play it LOUD!

And if the music gets you moving and increases oxygen flow throughout your body, that’s even better. Just remember to use headphones if you’re sharing a workspace.

Stay Busy

If all else fails, just stay busy. Monotonous work is harmful to a tired body. If there isn’t much to do that day, find something to occupy your time with. You can address those piled-up documents, streamline the overflowing workload, or dedicate some time to effective planning of upcoming assignments and projects.

To bring it all together, listen to music while taking a stroll under the sun and enjoying a light meal; you’ll convince yourself that you’ve had a restful 8-hour sleep

Keep in mind that these tips don’t replace good quality sleep, so do learn to relax at night for the best efficient work. The tips above can help the body remain active and productive naturally without crashing after an unexpectedly busy night.